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My family

Embrace Today By: K. Wilhelmina Floria

Tears of happiness shall fall,
listen close for your destination call.

A river of tranquility flows through life.

Ride out the eye of the storm, pass the strife.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blessed with Gods' comfort.

Good morning, Good morning!! Nothing changed just my attitude and outlook on life today.  I still didn't get a good night sleep.  In fact I was up until 3 am working on my family newsletter. It's 9:30 am now. I love my scattered family so much and wish we could come together for a week or a least a weekend.  I pray for this. A small part of our family did get together.  My sister has a son in Alaska and they had a baby in June.  The most beautiful baby ever.  They have been posting photos all the time and my sister was always wishing she could hold him so bad. Video calling wasn't  satisfying the desire.  My sister had a son that died of cancer 15 years ago.  The family planned a graveside memorial yesterday.  My nephew and his new baby arrived from Alaska!  I couldn't be there they live 3 hours away and I can't sit on Greyhound that long.  But looking at the pictures seeing the joy in my sisters' face overwhelmed me. Face book is avenue to keep family and friends in touch.It's wonderful for someone who can't get around like they use to.  Even though I'm still smarting from the era I made, I won't close my account. I am happy to have announce in our family news letter, a new birth and a reunion of grandma and grandson. 

You see it doesn't take much to pull me out of a funk.    I finally got my check, but not the bill for my medical records.  I see the cardiologist this Friday, first doctor with the insurance.  I want him to be my primary doctor.  He's about 3 to 4 miles close. I hope to have my medical records before then. 

My son called me yesterday to find out if I spoke to my daughter about making time for him to come and pick up his coat.  My daughter doesn't answer her phone or returns my calls.  I didn't hear from either of  my girls this weekend.  It's not unusual.  I should have a nice quiet day, my mates' mother is cooking mac and cheese, an oven stuffer and string beans.  I just hope there will be good movies on.

Thanks to those who sent words of support yesterday when I was in the dumps.  I don't have an headache, the pain in my chest is dull.  My shoulder is okay, so are my knees but the feet.  Well I guess they should hurt caring all this weight on them. My temperature was 98, that's high.  It's usually between 96 & 97.  I don't know if it's the thermometer or what.  I like the old fashion kind with mercury. My pressure was 147/80, I'm going to take it all week so I give the information to my new doctor.

My state of being today is all thanks to God he picked me up and cradled me in his arms and comforted me and filled my mind with peace and my heart with love.  All praises are do and I thank God for blessing me, today and always even when I feel alone.  I know His Grace covers me.  Amen.

First John
         1:8 I we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth in not in us.
         1:9 I we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins, and to cleanse us from             all unrighteousness

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Embrace today.