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Embrace Today By: K. Wilhelmina Floria

Tears of happiness shall fall,
listen close for your destination call.

A river of tranquility flows through life.

Ride out the eye of the storm, pass the strife.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Today there is Tomorrow

I know last January I wrote that I was finishing telling my story. I stopped writing my blog like that was the end of my story when it really was the beginning.  Ever see the weight watchers commercial with Jennifer Um.. the fog, but you know, "It's a new day, a new life a new me." Well that's me today.

I saw lupus as a thief in the night, crawling in the dark creases of my mind and body stealing the me that I was...ha! am. Not knowing that I was giving myself away for free. I gave up who I was to be this helpless, sick, depressed, sad and lonely woman. Full of regret about the life I lived, the mistakes I made. I crawled into an abyss if darkness, wandering loss inside myself.  I couldn't come to terms with what life has given me; this present wasn't a gift, not this lupus that turned me inside out, upside down and all around. I was so angry, frustrated blinded by rage. Disappointed.

My life was/is like an ocean without fish, a sky without birds, a sun that won’t shine, a land without foot prints, and a moon lost in an abyss of darkness.  What a master thief depression is.
I was laying in bed this morning, debating if I should get up and take my medication or just lay here and try to go back to sleep. But that crazy question that has no answer continued to haunt me this morning. What is the meaning of this life I’m living?  I can’t figure out what my reason for being is. I wonder if I’m living or existing.  My days feel empty to me, yet I bask in my solitude it makes as much sense as the life I live.  I’m doing what I must do to wake each day, take meds, sleep, eat and shit. I go visit doctors to analyze my health; I go to the physical therapy/rehab. I spend hours on Facebook, peeking into other people’s lives and playing a game that has no real purpose.
Life once made sense, or maybe I thought it did. As a child there were so many possibilities, dreams and hopes that could come true. And time was plentiful; my whole life was ahead of me.  Then life was lived and those possibilities started to look impossible, impossible because I didn’t want to work at making it possible. So I dreamed of what I could have worked at making come true. Today my dreams look impossible, I’m 51 but older because my body abandoned me, it’s fighting me, punishing me if you will. I was blessed with beauty, I was smart, I was fairly healthy and what did I do? That’s right nothing!
People like to say you can measure your success by what you have. I have a place to sleep, food to eat.  I have three children who are surviving in life, three beautiful grandchildren.  I made a decent living that afforded me a decent SSD check once a month.  Should I be satisfied with that? No I want more, I believe I deserve more. I don’t want fame and riches though it would be nice. I want happiness. My children and their children give me moments of happiness, but it’s not enough. I want to feel mentally good all the time, after all my body is constantly hurting me, I am always on the verge of tears.
Yes I turn to God and I ask for forgiveness to the wrongs I’ve done in life, I ask for my children to be happy and I ask for help to see what my purpose is.  I continue to be confused, to feel lost and alone. I know as long as God is in my life I am never alone. But I am human, I need, I want and demand human approval, touch, praise and companionship.  I have so much locked inside me I don’t know how to let it out, to release the frustration, the hurt and loneliness I feel.
When I was younger I use to hope for…and when I obtained, I believe I was lucky. Now that I’m older, I pray for… and when I obtain, I know that I am blessed. I am thankful to God for He is the master of all and He makes all things possible.
I still have no answers. I still don't have a purpose, but today I don't care, today I have a peace. What will, may be and I will be as I may.  I have lupus and I'm not going to continue to allow it to consume me, I'm not dead, I have breath in my lungs, a mind that thinks, legs that walk and a heart that beats with life. There is tomorrow all I have to do is wake up.


  1. I don't have Lupus but struggle every day with gluten issues and a ton of other food allergies and issues from a car accident. This was beautifully written. Remember that these issues with our bodies teach us more about ourselves and how in tune we are with our bodies. We are the lucky ones others can learn through us.

    Keep your head high and know that there are rough days ahead of us and behind us but each of those days make us stronger as long as we take something positive from each of those days.

    1. Thank you for reading and your encouraging words. I'm sorry it took so long for e to respond. I started a new blog last year and have been spending a lot of time there. Please visit. I mostly post poems there very little about lupus.

  2. You have a purpose...even if it is to show others who also struggle, with a life which includes Lupus, that they are not alone. I join you in this fight...and will stand by you proudly.
    There currently is no cure...but there is always HOPE

    Much love and light

    1. Thank you for reading and your encouraging words. I'm sorry it took so long for me to respond. I started a new blog last year and have been spending a lot of time there. Please visit. I mostly post poems there very little about lupus. i do see that I am living and have a purpose in life today. But still have some down days.

  3. Peace of Mind, if only here and there is to be cherished. Very nice, honest writing!

  4. Thank you for reading and your encouraging words. I'm sorry it took so long for e to respond. I started a new blog last year and have been spending a lot of time there. Please visit. I mostly post poems there very little about lupus.


Embrace today.