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My family

Embrace Today By: K. Wilhelmina Floria

Tears of happiness shall fall,
listen close for your destination call.

A river of tranquility flows through life.

Ride out the eye of the storm, pass the strife.

Monday, October 4, 2010

It was love at first smile

I arrived home from the doctor about two hours ago.  My doctor, handsome that he is, and when he smiles, I feel like I'm in good hands. His hands that took my blood pressure, checked the swelling in my legs and gave me my yearly flu shot. He checked my breathing level and said it was good.  He listens!!! Yes he heard my fears and questions.  He confirmed that I do have pulmonary hypertension, but he can't treat it until I get the heart cauterization to see what medication will help me.  He said I'm not going to die tomorrow!!! Which I was afraid of, yea, yea I know this morning I said I was ready to give up. I lied, I want to live and live looooong!  He refereed me to a cardiologist, who I will see me tomorrow.  I do feel bad about canceling the doctor I saw Friday but, he didn't smile not once and I didn't even feel comfortable asking for my prescriptions.  My new doctor is good.  When his assistant would interrupted him, he remembered what he was talking to me about.  He didn't lecture me or speak to me like he was disgusted with my weight.  He just gave me a script to go to rehab.  I think I'm in love. He's what a doctor should be. Patient, through and compassionate.

I know I said I would tell more of my life with Mr. 23 years but it will have to wait.  I have a birthday card to do.  I want to finish my family newsletter and look into this rehab facility.  I guess it's a good thing I don't have time, because tomorrow I will be out and on Wednesday I'm going to the Lupus conference on lupus and your eyes.  I have a life for a few days. Wooowhoooo!

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Embrace today.