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Embrace Today By: K. Wilhelmina Floria

Tears of happiness shall fall,
listen close for your destination call.

A river of tranquility flows through life.

Ride out the eye of the storm, pass the strife.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Just an update

I crawled out of bed after 8:30 am this morning. Not that I had an exceptional good night sleep.  I've been having a head ache every morning after not sleeping well for a couple of weeks now. I thought it was my allergies, maybe so.  I took the Nasonex for a few nights and the Claritin. When I started to feel better I stopped.  I took them again last night, about 1:30 am I was up and couldn't go back to sleep.  I tossed and turned.  My mate woke up and asked me what was wrong, she asked if I was in pain.  I told her yea, she asked where.  I told her the better question to ask was, where it didn't hurt, that was in my stomach. Every joint was humming. So I tool a Lorazapam and after sleep came and it came deep.   I'm up now, still a bit achy but I can handle it.

I miss writing my blog. Been tired but no matter how dedicate I am to writing about me I need to rest.  I went to the the new Rheumatologist, I like him too.  His memory is not as great as the Pulmonary and Cardiologist but he's compassionate. He's also good looking and young.  He put me back on Plaquline and he is sending me for an MRI and MRA of the brain to see if he can find out why I'm dizzy and get the numbing in my mouth.   I had an MRI before but not an MRA.

Speaking of which, I called my former clinic and asked about the medical records I requested. There was no answer, I left messages.  So I called patience advocacy.  I got a message about 5:30pm, after business hours,  I didn't hear my cell phone.  I called the next day, the woman was nasty.  It's becoming a norm for these people to be nasty to me when I call and question about my business. She says she didn't get any request.  I was on my way out the door so I told her I would fax a copy. Which I did.  I typed a letter with the records I wanted and they attached it to their request copy.  The woman says they don't do it that way it needs to be written out on their official request form. I asked her why didn't someone call me and tell me this. I made this request over a month and a half ago. I need these records for my new doctors, I told her this is for my health.  She says she'll pass the request as is on to the imaging service.  Unbelievable.

Okay back to the Rheumy, he works with two doctors that are specialist in Lupus research. They interview his patients and consult with him regarding their care.  He says they are top doctors in Lupus studies.  God is so good to me. I'll meet with one of them November 4th.

This doctor is far from my home. I had to take my Access-A-Ride to Nassau to transfer to another bus company (Able Ride) and do the same to return.  The Able bus on the return was right on time. Only thing was there was a lot of traffic due to screwed up traffic lights, train crossings and just stupid traffic because for some reason people just don't know how to drive in heavy rain. But it was okay I had 45 minutes to wait for Access-A-Ride.  I went and got a sandwich and a coffee,  How stupid of me getting coffee.  I sat under the awning eating and drinking coffee watching the people, rain and crazy valet parking drivers.  Time pasted quickly.  My bus was late and the coffee kicked in I didn't want to leave and miss my ride.  I called and from where they said my driver was I could make it to the bathroom and back.  The bus was an hour and 15 minutes late.  He had to pick up another passenger after me and I need to go to the pharmacy and put my prescriptions in.  The major problem was that it was Greys' Anatomy night.  I was dropped off at the pharmacy it was 7:50 pm and it was going to take a half hour for my medication to be ready.  I called my cab friend and asked him to pick me up in the half hour, he said he had a customer and said he would try and I said I would wait.  It took 45 minutes for my drugs to be ready and my cab said he was on his way.  I got home at 7:46 pm.  I showered, ate the rest of my sandwich and was laying in front of the TV just as Greys' was beginning.

My daughter called about my granddaughters' birthday on Saturday.  I told her I wasn't coming because I was hurt that my youngest grandson wasn't allowed to come because their parents were feuding.  We are all we have and I like it when we get together especially for birthdays.  I did end up going to see my granddaughter and even though it was just me her brother and mother. She was in the best mood ever.  She was happy and that made me feel good.  My grandson was a mess.  His mother gave him a new game for his DSIThis daughter refuses to accept that I'm ill.  She says she  knows what lupus is and I'm going to be fine. She ignores that I use oxygen and that I have lung involvement.  I asked her not to smoke, even though it's all the way in the back of the apartment, the smoke effects me, my breathing is getting harder.  I don't know how to deal with her.  She is doing what she needs to do, she just got a city job.  Which is great, and she will be able to take the classes she needs to get her degree.  I'm proud of her but she is so self absorbed I don't know what to say to her. 

I'll be home today and tomorrow.  Tuesday I'm suppose to go to the Oxygym, it a rehab gym with nurses to assist me in exercises that will help me lose weight.  I was going to cancel because I really can't afford $20 co-pay three times a week.  The nurse called and she's going to see if she can work something out for me.  We'll see. I also go and see the Cardiologist and hopefully get set up for the heart cauterization.  Then that's it for the week.  I was going to go the the next SLE Lupus Hospital Tour but it's in Staten Island, the subject is the Kidneys I attended this subject matter twice already and it's on Thursday, Greys' Anatomy night.  I need the rest. There are 2 more I will surely make the one on the heart.

I will write the rest bout my life soon.  Thanks for reading and I hope this update wasn't too  boring.

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Embrace today.